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Our Courses

Please see our What's On page to see when and where these courses are running.

If your child attends an Independent School in Herts, Bucks or the surrounding counties, we have a programme of courses and workshops available which will be promoted through your school.

Please Contact Us or your school for further details.

Talking Teens
From Child to Adult

This 6 week course is for parents of teenagers.
It builds week on week giving you the tools and strategies to handle life with your teenager in a more confident way.

 We will help you look at:
  • What you want from your teen.
  • What is going on in the teenage brain and how this affects them.
  • What it is to be a teenager today.
  • Conflict: why it happens and how to handle it.
  • Choices and consequences: how to encourage responsibility and independence.
  • Challenging behaviour: why teens can be stroppy and what we can do about it.
  • Understand and manage dishonesty and lies.

Talking Pre-teens
Managing and encouraging your 7-12 year old

This 6 week course is for parents of children aged 7-12 years.
It will give you the skills you need to guide your child through this time of change with confidence and skill.

 We will help you look at:
  • Managing challenging behaviour with consistency.
  • Understand the causes of conflict, arguments, dishonesty and lies.
  • How to keep your child safe, at home with modern technology and once they begin to go out alone.
  • How to encourage positive and responsible behaviour.
  • Preparing for the changes that will happen in your preteen's brain and how this affects them.
  • Moving onto Secondary school and what this means for your family.

Talking Additional Needs
Understanding their behaviours and needs

This 6 week course is for parents of children with Additional Needs.
Your child does not need to have a diagnosis but does need to have a recognised need.

 We will help you look at:
  • Gain a real insight to help you understand your child's behaviour.
  • Find strategies that really work.
  • Manage anger effectively.
  • Understand conflict: why it happens and how to handle it.
  • Motivate, encourage and support your child.
  • Manage the different needs within your family.
  • Build effective relationships with the professionals you come into contact with.

Understanding Challenging Behaviour
Age range 2-5, 5-11 or 11-18 years

This 4 week course is for parents who are finding it difficult to manage their child's behaviour.

We will help you to:

  • Gain a real insight to help you understand your child's behaviour.
  • Find strategies that really work.
  • Manage anger effectively.
  • Understand conflict: why it happens and how to handle it.
  • Motivate, encourage and support your child.

Talking Anger for Families
To help you break the cycle of anger

This 6 week course is for parents of all ages.

 We will help you to:
  • Understand why children and adults get angry.
  • Recognise the early signs of anger.
  • Develop strategies to manage anger in yourself.
  • Develop strategies to manage anger in other members of your family.
  • Understand conflict: why it happens and how to handle it.
  • Reduce stress.

Talking Dads
Be the best dad you can be

This 4 or 6 week course is for dads of children aged 0-19 years.
It will give dads an opportunity to meet other dads and share experiences in a supportive and encouraging environment. We will help you to:

  • Increase your confidence as a dad.
  • Develop a strong dad/child relationship now and for the future.
  • Improve communication and work out strategies for dealing with problems.
  • Understand how to set and enforce boundaries, deal with anger and resolve conflict.

Talking Families
Because parents don't get training for the toughest job on earth

This 6 week course is for parents of children aged 0-12 years.
It will give parents an opportunity to meet other parents and share experiences in a supportive and encouraging environment. We will help you to:

  • Increase your confidence as a parent.
  • Increase fun and enjoyment.
  • Develop a strong parent/child relationship now and for the future.
  • Gain a real insight to help you understand your child's behaviour.
  • Improve communication and work out strategies for dealing with problems.
  • Understand how to set and enforce boundaries.
  • How to negotiate and stay calm during a conflict situation.

Talking Tantrums
Reduce the frustration and have more fun

This 6 week course is for parents children under 5.

We will help you to:

  • Understand why young children have tantrums.
  • What you can do to prevent and manage them.
  • Manage difficult or unco-operative behaviour.
  • Effective strategies to cope with bedtimes, mealtimes and other stressful times of the day.
  • Having fun together.
  • Reduce family stress.

The Nurturing Programme
Family Links Parenting Puzzle

This 10 week course. It can be adapted for parents of children under 5, 5 to 11 years and 11 to 18 years.

We will help you to:

  • Understand and manage feelings and behaviour.
  • Improve relationships at home and in school.
  • Improve emotional health and wellbeing.
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem; crucial ingredients for effective parenting and learning.
  • Build on your pre-existing parenting skills.
  • Use positive behaviour management, communication and relationship strategies.
  • Look after your own emotional needs, so you can parent more effectively


Your Feedback

"This course has been a real turning table for me and has helped me understand my child and his ways a lot better therefore making our days less stressful and more enjoyable"

"I have already told many parents with challenging children about how much this course has helped me"

"He is calm most of the time and listens to me a lot better. He is doing better at school behaviour wise"

"My child is listening and understanding me and my husband better"

"My child has a calm mother rather than a shouting one. I am listening to her"

"Practical, unbiased advice which is put across in a lovely way"

"I would like to thank you both for your knowledge, understanding and patience"

"Useful information and ideas discussed in a safe environment"

"It was a very useful programme that helped me in my household and has given me more confidence"

"This course was very good. Julie and Noushin were very understanding and very easy to talk to."

"I found it useful to get lots of strategies to use and know what to use in each situation"

"Very interesting, well structured course. Easy to take in, understand and try out. Great techniques."

"It has taught me a lot about being a parent with a child with autism"

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